Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Acne Rosacea Treatment - 6 Natural Treatments

Acne rosacea is a skin condition that manifests as tiny acne-like bumps in the skin which makes it look like you have acne. The truth is that acne and rosacea are two different skin disorders and their treatments vary as well. In this article, you will discover 6 natural acne rosacea treatments.

Actually, we cannot call them treatments as you cannot really cure rosacea. What you can do is to alleviate the symptoms by using the 6 treatments below. Shall we get started?

Rosacea's obvious symptoms include flushing and bump in the skin. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disorder. There may be creams that promise you total annihilation of the symptoms but those creams only give you false hope. What you can do is control the symptoms from attacking. Here are 6 sure-fire natural treatments that you can apply:

• Licorice - this herb can reduce the redness in just about four to eight weeks of usage for those who have milk to moderate rosacea. Use this as a topical cream and apply to the affected areas of your skin.

• Chrysanthellum Indicum cream - purchase a cream that contains this herb and apply to the problem areas. Do this two times per day. After approximately 12 weeks of usage, you will see significant changes in the redness and the bumps. However, this cream has mild side effects so be careful in using it.

• Apple Cider vinegar - take this orally to reduce rosacea symptoms.

• Green Tea - a cream with this extract can reduce the pustules. Just apply the cream twice a day and let green tea do its job. You can also create a green tea soak for your face to ease the redness and irritation.

• Knowing your food triggers - there are different rosacea triggers per person so it is important that you are aware of them. What you can do with your health professional is to introduce allergenic foods one by one to your diet. Doing this will help you pinpoint which foods cause rosacea to attack.

• White vinegar - vinegar is known to fight bacteria so this is just perfect for rosacea. Simply dilute one part vinegar to six parts of water. Use this as a facial cleanser and apply daily or weekly. Warning: some people may be allergic to them so test this first on a small portion of your skin before applying it to your face.

Apart from those already mentioned, you can also use aloe, chamomile, rose hips, and zinc as acne rosacea treatment. A fair warning though: do consult your dermatologist before using or taking in any of the mentioned remedies. They might get in the way of the medications that you are currently taking. If you need to know more about acne rosacea treatment, please visit the link provided below. You can even join support groups and forums so that you can communicate with other rosacea sufferers as well. Anyhow, please share this article so that others may benefit from this as well. Thank you and have a great day. Good luck in looking for an acne rosacea treatment that works best for you.

1 comment:

  1. I am using Citaphil as my face cleanser. I have gentle rosacea. I have been applying one serum but can’t get any best result. So, please suggest me some Rosacea Serum.

    Stop Rosacea
