Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Halloween Costume Contacts - How to Complete Your Halloween Look Easily and Safely!

Contact lenses have been used since the late 30's to create strange and spooky effects for movie characters. Nowadays, they have become very common. Movies still use them to make their characters seem scary or otherworldly, and even musicians such as Marilyn Manson use them as part of their overall look. You can use them too... Halloween costume contacts are easy to get, and affordable as well.

Of course, Halloween costume contacts are more than just part of a costume. They are still contact lenses, and as such require as much care in choosing them as you would take in choosing regular contact lenses. They are a medical appliance, and need to be treated as such.

You will need to have an eye exam in order to get a professional lens fitting. That way, you know what size and kind are best for your eyes. Although most Halloween costume contacts are going to be okay for most people, it is a good idea to check with a professional before you spend any money on lenses... only to find out they are not right for your eyes.

When you get your fitting, it's important to ask your eye specialist to show you how to put them in and take them out, especially if you've never worn contact lenses before. You should practice doing so a few times while you are in the doctor's office. Also, ask them to advise you on what sort of solution would be best for storing them and for cleaning them.

Always make sure you wash your hands before you handle your Halloween costume contacts, and never share them with anyone! This is an easy way to spread eye infections. Also, you want to make sure that when you are storing them, they do not harbour bacteria. You will only be using them once a year, but you'll need to change the solution you store them in every three months or so to prevent build up of harmful bacteria.

There are many mass produced Halloween costume contacts you can choose from. Just make sure they have been FDA approved before you buy them, so you know they have been tested and are safe to wear in your eye. Some Halloween contacts companies actually hand paint their lenses, and will even create custom lenses for you. If you think you will wear the lenses more than once, it is a good idea to seek out the highest quality that you can find. You don't want the colours to fade while they are being stored.

Halloween contacts can turn a good costume into a great costume! Just remember that they are medical appliances, not just fun accessories, and treat them like you would regular contact lenses. And always make sure they are of the highest quality before you buy.

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