Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Herbal and Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Eye Care

The importance of the eyes to the human beings need not be emphasized. Eyes provide us sight, without which life would lose most of its meaning. But at the same time, eyes are constantly exposed to the external environment. Almost everyone in the world overworks their eyes, due to which several eye problems occur. The list of problems that occur with the eyes is almost endless. But even then, are we taking adequate care of our eyes? This article provides some valuable tips on care of the eyes.

Some common eye problems are:- § Cataract § Conjunctivitis § Glaucoma § Myopia § Stye

Let us see how Ayurveda helps in the prevention and treatment of these eye problems.

Useful Herbs for Eye Care

- Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) Aniseed is especially beneficial in the treatment of cataract. The powder of its seeds is taken in a tablespoon quantity every morning and evening.

- Babul (Acacia arabica) Babul can treat conjunctivitis. A paste of the babul leaves must be applied on the eyes before going to sleep at night. It will lessen the itchiness, wateriness and the redness of the sore eyes.

- Carrot (Daucus carota) Carrot is so beneficial in eye care that its virtues are taught to school students also. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is the precursor of vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening the eyes and protecting them from night blindness.

- Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) A decoction prepared from coriander can be used as an eyewash for people with conjunctivitis. There will be immediate reduction in the burning, redness and swelling of the eyes.

- Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) The Indian gooseberry, known as amalaki, is exceptional in treating ocular problems. It can bring relief in both conjunctivitis and glaucoma. Its juice is taken with honey for better effects.

- Indian Sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) The Indian Sorrel has exceptional properties in the treatment of several eye problems. A few drops of the juice of its leaves must be put in the eyes everyday to keep them free from strain. They can also be a good prevention for cataract.

- Marigold (Calendula officinalis) Marigold is taken as a cold infusion for washing eyes that are stressed. This brings a cooling effect to the eyes. It is also effective in cases of conjunctivitis.

- Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) The raw juice of parsley is effective for eye care. It can relieve the eyes of problems such as corneal ulcers, cataracts, weak eyes, conjunctivitis, opthalmia and sluggishness of the pupils.

Dietary Tips for Eye Care

Vitamin A is directly responsible for the strength and power of the eyes. Hence, foods that are rich in vitamin A must be taken. Vitamin A is contained in all orange and yellow colored vegetables such as carrots, oranges and pumpkins and in fruits like mangoes, papayas and oranges. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, coriander and colocasia also contain vitamin A. Among non-vegetarian foods, fish, liver and eggs contain vitamin A. Dairy products also have a fair amount of vitamin A in them.

The risk of cataracts is reduced by including vitamin C in the diet. Foods containing vitamin C such as Indian gooseberry, guava, orange, lemon and tomato, capsicum, cabbage, etc. must be included in the diet.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Eye Problems

The triphala lotion is generally prescribed in case of eye problems. Triphala is a mixture of the two myroblans - belleric and chebula - and the Indian gooseberry. The choorna is soaked in water for half an hour to get the lotion. This lotion is used as an eye-wash three or four times in a day. Triphala lotion has potency to treat eye problems such as cataract and conjunctivitis. Washing the eyes regularly with triphala also keeps them moist and healthy.

Chandrodaya vati is another important Ayurvedic preparation used in eye care. It is made into a paste in water and then applied externally over the eyes. Chandrodaya vati is beneficial in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis and cataract.

Home Remedies for Common Eye Problems

- Prepare a mixture of equal proportions of aniseed powder and coriander seed powder. Mix it with an equal weight of unrefined sugar. Take it in doses of 12 grams every morning and evening. It is beneficial for people with cataract.

- For people with weak eyesight, taking a mixture of the juices of raw parsley and carrots in a glassful amount everyday will provide great benefits.

- Mix one part of sugar with three parts of coriander. Grind them into a fine powder and put this mixture in boiling water. Keep it covered for one hour. Then filter it with a clean cloth. Use the filtrate as eye drops. This is an effective treatment for conjunctivitis.

- Immerse almonds in milk and keep them overnight. In the morning, mix this milk with sandalwood. Apply this on the eyelids. This reduces redness of the eyes due to exertion.

- Inhaling the odors of sesame mixed in honey reduces the excessive wateriness of the eyes.

- Take two small pieces of cardamom. Grind them and dissolve the powder in milk. Boil the milk and drink it at night. This makes the eyes healthier.

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