Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Homemade Remedies to Vanish Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

The instant fix for that situation is the pharmaceutical concealer. Available in many shades and textures, the under eye dark circle concealer does the trick temporarily but does not attack the root of the problem. As soon as the concealer wears off, here you have them again, ugly, dark and puffy circles under your pretty eyes. If you're in that group of people, you need to try a few remedies for dark circles under eyes.

Most of the people can get away with a few visits to the dermatologist and some good chemical products to help the circles wear off but it's known that there are people who have a physiological predisposition to create very deep under circles; that can be due to a certain number of factors, mostly related to a bad blood circulation in the area or a serious pigmentation problem. Those more drastic situations can require a surgical intervention like a chemical peel or an intense pulsed light therapy.

Before you choose to take such drastic measures, there are a few homemade remedies for dark circles under eyes that you should try :

1- Cold tea bags: most botanicals recommend the use of clarifying herbs like chamomile to get rid of dark circles under eyes. The fact that the bags are cold helps the puffiness diminish and the blood to circulate better. In addiction, almost every tea has potent antioxidants that make the skin healthier.

2- The good old cucumber: preferably in thin slices or in a paste. Some botanicals recommend the addiction of lemon juice to the paste, while others believe the lemon juice to be prejudicial for the skin and the cause of even more pigmentation.

3- Drinks LOTS of water. This must be probably the best tip anyone can give you about dark circles. Start drinking at least eight glasses of water per day and increase the amount daily. Your complexion will change and you'll be many steps closer on your task to get rid of those dark circles.

4- Many places, books, sites and blogs advice you to sleep a least eight hours a day to get an healthier look, but if you were born with the genetic predisposition or have a biological unbalance that is causing you to have powerful dark circles, no sleep is going to help you now. Sure, it's healthier to keep a regular sleeping schedule and it really makes a difference on your skin's health but in those severe cases, lets be realistic, you need more than sleep to help you . Nevertheless, sleep at least eight hours day, everyday but make sure you take other measures as well.

5- Don't spend endless hours on the computer! Hard one, I know, but if you have to do it, at least make sure you have a well-illuminated working area for your computer work.

6- Almond Oil appears to perform miracles in these cases. Apply it cold( to help the circulation process! ) and leave it for around ten minutes. Remove the almond with cotton and sleep a nighty night!

7- Be careful what chemicals you feed you're under eyes' skin. This particular skin area is very sensitive and it will react badly to any harmful substances. Don't leave your mascaras, infusions or creams for a long period of time under your eyes. Apply the pastes you are sure won't harm you and remove them short after.

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