Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Keep Your Vision Clear and Take Care of Your Eyes

Did you know that nearly 16 million people in the United States over the age of 45 report vision loss in one way shape or form. There is hope for these people that a growing number of medical discoveries have found ways to drastically improve eye health. They are preaching the rule that prevention is better than cure. Well, actually they are saying eye care is better than eye cure. So do what they are saying and take good care of your eyes.

Nutrition and eye health strongly correlated. There are a whole bunch of foods, vitamins and minerals shown to make significant difference in the quality of your eye health. Eye health is maintained and increased by doing prescribed eye exercises and following the proper nutrition regime. Your eye doctor can actually give you some eye care tips and eye exercises for those interested in preserving their vision. Here are a few ways you can help your eyes:

Always be cautious when you are doing things to your face such as applying makeup that you do not touch your eyes directly. Another problem with cosmetics is that they tend to be germ infested after awhile and run the risk of causing infection to your eyes. When you are putting in your contacts, only use ones which have been properly cleaned and disinfected with a safe cleaning solution. The only foreign object which should come in contact with your eyes are tissues to remove something stuck in it. Keep fingers out of your eyes, and only put in contacts after they've been properly cleaned and disinfected.
It is important that you eat the right foods to promote eye health. You want foods high in nutrients such as vitamin A and Omega 3 fatty acids. There are a number of different multivitamin supplements that come with special compounds good for your eyes.
Keep your eyes shaded from harmful UV rays. Buy yourself a stylish pair of sunglasses and don't stay out in the sun for an extended period of time without them. If you or someone you know welds, make sure they were #14 filters to do so or they will regret it later on in life.
Never rub your eyes. You'll end up doing more damage than good. By rubbing your eye cause you have something in it, you run the risk of scratching your cornea. If your hands are dirty, you can cause your eye to become infected or spread that eye infection to someone else. You're best bet is buy some eye drops to solve any issues. They feel cool and soothing, plus they can quickly remove any objects from your eye much faster than rubbing ever would.
If your eyes begin to look odd, begin to hurt you or you are just having vision problems such as fogginess, schedule an appointment to see an eye doctor. Did you know many of your headaches can be averted by simply correcting something wrong with your eyes? It is usually a good practice to see your eye doctor at least once a year even if you don't seem to have any problems. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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